Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Wood Duck. Introduction.

Many years ago I received a gift from my Mom and Dad. It was a pretty big box. When I opened it I found 7 books inside. The books were in the size of encyclopedias and had silver titles - " The life of animals". Each book was talking about different creatures: mammals, fishes... and of course one book was about birds! There I was introduced to the most spectacular duck for the very first time. I returned to the article and photo so many times!

I almost learned it by heart! But time has past. I grew up...medical school, army, work, immigration to Israel...The book was lost and I forgot about my favorite duck!

However, a few years back I found myself in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Here my passion to nature came back and when I read a birding guide I came across a photograph of THAT duck! Yes, it was a photograph of the spectacular WOOD DUCK!

Wood Duck

The Wood Duck and the Mandarin: The Northern Wood Ducks

You can see more my photographs here 
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