My welcome guest
It is just one of them. A few years ago, when I put first feeder, hardly one humming was coming weekly. Today I can say they are my PERMANENT VISITORS. More then 13-18 appreciate my hospitality daily!
My growing.
Well, there is nothing to say. They are beautiful !

Sacura (cherry)Trees of Japan: Cherry Blossom, Acer Palmatum, Japanese Persimmon, Trema Orientalis, Avicennia Marina, Cryptomeria, Acer Shirasawanum

Cherry blossom

My tenant.
That guy living in birdhouse I built for...Red-breasted Nuthatch.Some thing wrong here! May be I made a mistake? I am not frendly whith inches. Or that doesn't care about? Any way, usualy they are very jumpy, but that time the guy was surprised by empty feeder, which one I clined up a few minet before, and also was screaming at me!